Welcome to the Clifford H. Smart Middle School counseling office!
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Counseling Office Phone
(248) 956-3520
Julie Smith
Counseling Secretary
Please know that the staff at CHS is always here to help. As families and adults in our kid's and student's lives, it is our job to pay attention to how they are doing as school progresses, helping them to manage their time, schedules, and school responsibilities.
How to Help
- Stay in tune with your son or daughter. How is their mood? Are they feeling good about school when they come home? (Some adjustments may just be part of the natural development of an adolescent.) Are they getting the correct amount of needed sleep?
- Help Manage Kid's Time. Some kids need help finding a balance between wanting to be involved in everything and choosing something that's appropriate and will not cause them to be over scheduled. Learning how to tackle homework each day and planning out time to work on lengthier projects/assignments is not always a simple task for a middle schooler! Find a central location at home and a regular time to work on school work. Check that you have possible necessary supplies to get the job done. (Extra pens, colored pencils, pens, note cards, etc.) Many parents create a "Supplies Tub" to keep on hand.
- Monitor Academic Progress. Check Skyward regularly and encourage your child to check their "Student Access" as well. Many teachers have personal websites and calendars to help double check daily assignments. If your child is absent, encourage a "check-in" with the teachers upon his/her return. He or she may ask to set-up a time during the day to meet with the teacher for work clarification. Many teachers offer time during lunch, before, or after school. Each child was also given a planner to help log assignments, keep track of tests, or projects. Help your child see how this useful tool can be used to log practices, birthdays, or family commitments.
- Contact teachers if you have questions or concerns. Teachers are with your child every day. They also create the assignments your child is asked to complete and know where their students academically need to be at the end of the school year. Consider contacting them if you see struggles, need clarification, or want to share important information for your son's or daughter's success. Positive feedback is also very appreciated!
- Counselors can help in many ways. Counselors are here to help you and your child. Some areas include: social, emotional, and academic needs. Kids may sign-up to speak to their counselor in the Counseling Office. You may call or email us at anytime. The kids email us as well! We are very visible in the hallways, cafeteria, and classrooms. Encourage your child to seek us out for support.